AI and ChatGPT are the biggest buzzwords on the internet right now, and it looks like certain doom for marketers who lend creative services like copywriting, ad creation, etc.
But here’s why I think creatives won’t be replaced anytime soon:

AI-Generated Ads for KFC (Source: 10 Days)
I’m sorry but this is the creepiest thing I’ve ever seen, and it certainly isn’t making me want to buy KFC.
My point: AI is great, but it’s not there yet.
In this blog post, I’m going to show you how Mint Mobile used the drawbacks of Generative AI to it’s advantage.
Mint Mobile, the telecom company in which Deadpool-star Ryan Reynolds has part-ownership, is known for its quirky ads. This type of messaging works for them because of 1) brand synergies that exist between Mint and Reynold’s personal brand, and 2) the psychographic profiles of their target customers (young, price-sensitive and tech-savvy people).
An example of what I mean:
Mint Mobile positions itself as a ‘people’s brand’, always opposing big telecom companies and keeping prices consistently low.
In January 2023, as the AI hype was climbing, Mint Mobile released an ad written by ChatGPT. The video is linked below:
As shown earlier, AI can make content, but it can’t make quality content. In this ad, we can see how Ryan Reynolds recognises that fact and makes a play on it, which pairs really well with his quirky brand.
Here, we should also keep in mind that the overall ad was conceptualised by humans. AI by itself does not have the power to create effective and powerful messaging for brands. In the words of Aron North (CMO, Mint Mobile):
“[About the ad] I don’t necessarily feel other emotions, like love or connection or humor. I’m not laughing with it—I’m laughing at it.”
Basically, the copy written by ChatGPT did not evoke an emotional response, Ryan Reynolds did.
(For more on the types of messaging in ads, click here)
In my opinion, AI will always need the ‘human element’ to complement it, similar to how automation in manufacturing still requires human supervision, despite it producing a more standardised output.
Here’s how you can use AI, as it currently is, for your marketing needs:
1) Doing Rote Tasks and Grunt Work
AI can free up a lot of mental resources for marketers to focus on more strategic work, like campaign planning and market research. In general, it’s best to use AI as a starting point to structure creative work. For example, you could ask ChatGPT to write a sample hook for your LinkedIn post, but you shouldn’t copy-paste the exact thing. Use this tool to overcome the barriers to getting started.
2) Summarization
Products get thousands of reviews on Amazon, and trust me, you want to listen to what the customers are saying. Click here to read more on how Sentiment Analysis is beneficial to your business. Use Generative AI as a starting point to conceptualise content based on data from your customers. For example, you could ask ChatGPT to write you a blog post based on what users are commenting on your previous posts.
3) Scaling
As someone who creates content for not just my business, but multiple others, I can assure you creative fatigue kicks in more often than I want it to. You can overcome this block by asking AI to generate content based on your previous posts and/or preferences. Use this tool to generate content at scale.
In this regard, AI is a very powerful tool, but you need to be careful when dealing with facts. As I’ve said before, models like ChatGPT are trained to create sentences based on the probabilities that certain words appear next to each other. They don’t usually rely on information, which is why they also gives many false results.

Source: Click here
Always cross-reference and find your own sources.
AI and Machine Learning has in general made it very easy for small businesses to utilise high-level marketing tools and frameworks, but as most MSMEs gain access to these digital tools, the importance of having experts execute your digital marketing increases exponentially.
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